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EVV Submission as Per Cures

Stay Compliant and Efficient with EVV Submission under the Cures Act 2021

Ensure compliance with the Cures Act 2021 mandates regarding Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) submission with Cures Billing Solutions’s expert services. Our comprehensive EVV solutions streamline the verification process, enabling seamless submission of visit data while adhering to regulatory requirements. Trust us to navigate the complexities of EVV implementation, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in your home care agency’s operations.

Simplify Visit Verification with Automated Solutions

Our automated EVV system simplifies the visit verification process, reducing manual errors and ensuring accurate recording of caregiver visits. By automating data collection and submission, we streamline your workflow, saving time and resources while enhancing compliance with the Cures Act 2021.

Gain Real-Time Insights with Monitoring and Reporting

With our EVV solutions, you gain access to real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities, allowing you to track caregiver visits, verify services rendered, and generate comprehensive reports. By staying informed and proactive, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize operations and ensure quality care delivery.

Ensure Compliance and Prepare for Audits with Confidence

 Cures Billing Solutions provides comprehensive compliance support to ensure adherence to EVV requirements under the Cures Act 2021. Our expert team assists with policy implementation, staff training, and audit preparation, giving you peace of mind knowing that your home care agency is compliant and audit-ready at all times.